The  First  Regional  Conference  on  Cultural  Heritage Protection of Religious  Communities brought together approximately 100 experts and government officials from Morocco, the USA, Europe, North Africa and the Sahel region, as well as international organizations, NGOs and  other  organizations involved in the preservation of cultural heritage.



H.E. Ms Mounia Boucetta
Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

“Protecting and Preserving cultural heritage of different communities is a powerful tool in promoting peace, solidarity, social stability. Morocco has a longstanding tradition of protecting its cultural and religious heritage: His Majesty launched wide-ranging efforts of renovation of mosques and rehabilitation of Jewish cemeteries and synagogues as well as opening museums.”

H.E. Mr. Sam Brownback
Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

“We are fortunate to have such good friends and partners in Morocco who have been committed to preserving the cultural heritage of religious communities. This conference is an opportunity for others to learn from the Moroccan experience of religious and cultural diversity, particularly in the protection of the rich cultural heritage of Morocco’s religious communities-Muslim, Christian, and Jewish.”

Dr. Ahmed Abaddi
Secretary General of the Mohammedian League of Ulemas

“The preservation of cultural heritage is not a luxury—it is essential. If we lose that heritage in all its diversity, we lose our collective memory and identity. This conference is a first step, following the Potomac Declaration, towards working together as a family to ensure that does not happen.”


Continuity in terms of connecting and communicating, sharing skills, research and expertise available among participants.

A monitoring role in the field of cultural  heritage initiatives, documentation on innovative projects etc.

La préservation du patrimoine culturel marocain

الحفاظ على الموروث الثقافي المغربي

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