Archives du Maroc, Morocco:
Public establishment mainly concerned with the preservation of the national archival heritage, creation, conservation, organization and facilitation of access to public archives”
Moroccan Cultural Heritage Portal, Morocco:
The richness and diversity of the cultural heritage in Morocco are commensurate with the longevity of its history and the depth of its culture. In this regard, particular interest is given to its preservation as a vector of national identity.
It is in this sense that the Ministry of Culture initiated the national Heritage 2020 strategy. The general objective of developing this strategy for the preservation, enhancement and promotion of cultural heritage is to take advantage of the wealth of cultural heritage, strengthening its place in economic and social development policies and strategies.
The national Heritage 2020 strategy is the result of a series of studies and consultations carried out as part of the Joint Cooperation Program entitled “Cultural heritage and the creative industries driving development in Morocco (2008-2012)” by the government and agencies of the United Nations system and supplemented by activities initiated by the Ministry of Culture (2012-2014) or organized under the aegis of the UN.
Musée Mohammed VI d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Morocco:
Association des Amis du Musée du Judaïsme Marocain, Morocco:
“Project: Mellah from Marrakech Requalification of a district for sustainable tourism ”
Fondation Nationale des Musées du Maroc, Morocco:
La Fondation nationale des musées a été créée en 2011 dans le but de valoriser le patrimoine muséographique national, en renforçant la gouvernance muséale du pays. Institution à but non lucratif investie de la personnalité morale et de l’autonomie financière, appelée à gérer, pour le compte de l’Etat, les musées nationaux dont elle a la tutelle.
Musée Mohammed VI pour la Civilisation de l’Eau au Maroc – AMAN, Ministère des Affaires Islamiques et des Habous, Morocco:
Bayt Dakira, Essaouira, Morocco Spiritual, historical and heritage space for the preservation and enhancement of the Judeo-Moroccan memory:
Synthesis: Collectif- Arts Et Architecture Amazighes Du Maroc
Restorating “Slat Attia” Synagogue, house of memory and history “Bayt Dakira” and the Haim and Célia Zafrani International Research Center on the history of the Relations between Judaism and Islam. This is a historic, cultural and spiritual space.
The Fez World Sacred Music Festival Festival, Morocco:
The Fez Festival and its Forum are part of the city’s scholarly, artistic and spiritual tradition. Revitalization of heritage through the diversity of artistic proposals, prestigious creations and popular Sufi Nights. Fez Forum – theme of the 26th edition (canceled): Architecture and the sacred – architecture is imprinted, landmark, framework and progression of beliefs, religions and spiritualities.
Association Culture Soufie, Morocco:
Promotes a positive image of Islam through the universal language of openness and peace / spiritual path of Sufism.
The International Institute for Languages and Cultures (INLAC), Morocco:
A private non-profit institute accredited by Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education / aims to foster dialogue between cultures and peoples, especially between the Islamic world and the West.
Mimouna Association, Morocco:
Mimouna association invites rabbis, historians, researchers and Jewish personalities for conferences etc / in favor of the coexistence between Jews and Muslims within Moroccan society.
Search of the Loudaghir Synagogue. Oasis of Figuig Paleographer, archaeologist dialogue, Morocco:
Heritage of Morocco : Le Centre Culturel Virtuel Marocain – Fondation Hassan II pour les Marocains résidant à l’étranger
The geographical location of Morocco gives its cultural heritage a tremendous richness, especially in the diversity of its components both in terms of tangible and intangible heritage. In Morocco there are several hundred classified sites, monuments and cultural events, ten of which are inscribed on the World Heritage List.This heritage reflects the historical, cultural and natural wealth of the country.
Bert Flint Museum Marrakesh, Morocco :
The museum’s collection focuses mainly on the popular traditions of two areas within Morocco’s boundaries – that of the Souss Valley and the Sahara. Hence they are a positive reflection of the culture and way of life of people from these areas. While the museum may seem to have a strong emphasis on theatrical arts, it certainly is not limited to this and the collection is a tribute to past cultures more than anything else.
https://tiskiwin.com/bert-flint/ https://www.morocco.com/attractions/museums/bert-flint/
Collective granaries (greniers collectifs), Morocco:
Pour une éthique de la préservation, Architectures du bien commun
Fondation Mémoires pour l’Avenir, Morocco:
Support to consolidation and dissemination projects, better knowledge of the country, federating actions in favor of a modern and open Morocco.
Reinventing Toumliline Project
Tinmel Mosque – UNESCO Heritage List, Morocco:
La mosquée de Tinmel a été édifiée dans la région du Haut-Atlas à la mémoire de Mehdi Ibn Toumert, fondateur de la dynastie Almohade (XIIème siècle). Elle a été construite selon un procédé andalou maghrébin qui allie le raffinement de la tradition architecturale et les techniques de construction locale.
Additional reading:
Ethnic and religious minorities in North Africa – The “Jewish Question” in Postcolonial Moroccan Cinema – Aomar Boum University of California, Los Angeles Morocco / USA:
The “Jewish Question” in Postcolonial Moroccan Cinema.
UNESCO – ISESCO Le patrimoine culturel immatériel au Maroc Promotion et valorisation des Trésors Humains Vivants (2005), by Ahmed Skounti, Morocco:
Musée du Judaïsme Marocain, Morocco:
Crée et géré par la Fondation du Patrimoine Culturel Judéo-Marocain.
Le Musée du Judaïsme Marocain a été ouvert en 1997. Il est considéré comme le premier musée de la ville de Casablanca, et le seul musée juif dans la région arabe.