The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Egypt:
The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known commonly as the Egyptian Museum or Museum of Cairo, in Cairo, Egypt, is home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities. It has 120,000 items, with a representative amount on display, the remainder in storerooms. Built in 1901 by the Italian construction company Garozzo-Zaffarani to a design by the French architect Marcel Dourgnon, the edifice is one of the largest museums in the region. As of March 2019, the museum is open to the public. In 2020 the museum is due to be superseded by the new Grand Egyptian Museum at Giza.

The temples of Philae in their new location on Agilika Island (Mohammed Megahed)
Grand Egyptian Museum, Egypt:
The Vision: The unique legacy of this ancient civilization needed to be presented within a single building. This edifice is a repository and a showcase for the development and achievements of Ancient Egypt. But then the question rose “How can one building span the area between heaven and earth?” Only LIGHT can span this space between Heaven & Earth, and through light, vision is born, that which has guided the Pharaohs and all of creation. This source was the inspiration to build this edifice and bring about its birth through an exceptional concept and an outstanding design. http://gem.gov.eg/
GEM-CC organizes a training course for conservators on “Treatment and Conservation of Manuscripts and Papyrus”, Egypt:
Coptic Museum Cairo, Egypt:
The Museum brings together all the material necessary to study Christian history in Egypt, and links Pharaonic, Greco-Roman and Islamic antiquity. It is located in the part of the old city walls built by Emperor Trajan in 98 A.D., which also houses the old churches of Cairo: St. Sergius and St. Barbara of the 4th century and the Hanging Church “El Muallaqa” of the 6th century. The Museum occupies an area of 8,000m2, buildings and garden included. Ever since the museum’s foundation, the Coptic community has been active in filling it with precious and rare pieces, and have sent icons, cloths, manuscripts, priestly garments, frescoes, and wooden panels. Painted wooden ceilings and marble fountains were collected from old Coptic palaces.

Abu Sarga is the oldest church in Egypt dating back to the 5th century A.D.
The church owes its fame to having been constructed upon the crypt of the Holy Family where they stayed for three weeks during their sojourn in Egypt.
American University in Cairo (AUC), Egypt:
Islamic Architecture at AUC: Harmonizing Cultural Heritage with Modernity:
AUC Egyptology Literature Class Draws Connections between Ancient and Modern Egypt: https://www.aucegypt.edu/media/media-releases/auc-egyptology-literature-class-draws-connections-between-ancient-and-modern
The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo, Egypt:
The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo is considered to be the largest museum specialized in Islamic Art in the entire world, as it houses more than 100000 artifacts covering all branches of Islamic Art from the different periods of Islamic history.
American Research Center in Egypt, USA/Egypt:

The interior of the Ben Ezra Synagogue
Egypt’s Synagogues: Past & Present
Drop of Milk Foundation, Egypt:
U.S.-Funded Conservation Project at Bassatine Cemetery Highlights Egypt’s Diverse Cultural Heritage: https://eg.usembassy.gov/bassatine-cemetery/