The Charter for African Cultural Renaissance, UNESCO – Sudan 2006:
Additional reading: The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Burkina Faso: A description about the constitutional provisions in Burkina Faso, the chapter illustrates, first of all, the legal and institutional framework for the protection and support of the intangible cultural heritage in the country, also analysing possible pathways and perspectives to improve its preservation, and the safeguarding actions undertaken for its identification and promotion, and through the international cooperation initiatives.
International Committee on Places of Religion and Ritual (PRERICO) Dongguk University, South Korea: Compilation videos: for more videos:
Spanish museums, Spain:
Slovenian Museums and Archives, Slovenia:
Slovak National Museums, Slovakia:
The National Museum of Art of Romania, Romania:
Sources for the History of Art Museums in Portugal, Portugal:
National Museum in Warsaw, Poland:
Norway’s National Museums
Art Museums in The Netherlands, The Netherlands: Additional reading: Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, Netherlands: Handbook on First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis: The First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis Handbook and Toolkit is the outcome of nearly a decade of field experience gained by ICCROM, and a close partnership between the Prince Claus, ICCROM, Fund and the Smithsonian Institution. Handbook: First Aid to Heritage in Times of Crisis:
Malta Heritage & Museums, Malta: