Musée national du Mali, Mali:
“Sur la piste des manuscrits de Tombouctou” Documentary, Mali:
In 2012, during the jihadist occupation of northern Mali, the incredible rescue of the Timbuktu manuscripts became a symbol for the whole world. This film recounts the extraordinary epic of Malians who risked their lives to save this world heritage from the threat of armed groups and follows in the footsteps of these precious scrolls, in exile.
The Timbuktu verdict: The price of remorse, International Criminal Court (ICC), Mali :
On September 27, 2016, the International Criminal Court issued a historic decision because, for the first time since its creation in 2002, the crime against the cultural heritage of mankind was firmly punished.
In addition, the accused actively contributed to the trial by admitting his guilt, which according to the judges is likely to promote peace and reconciliation in northern Mali. In this, the case of Prosecutor v. Al Faqi Al Mahdi is a turning point for international criminal justice.
Additional reading:
Le procès Al Mahdi : « Un pas de géant » pour la Cour pénale internationale ?, Mali:
Revue québécoise de droit international Année 2017 1-1 pp. 101-124
On September 28, 2016, the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued its verdict in the case of The Prosecutor v Ahmad Al Faqi AlMahdi concerning the destruction of the mausoleums of Timbuktu. This trial, perceived as an historic moment, was eagerly awaited by actors of international criminal justice, because it was the first time that the Court has known, since its creation, a case concerning violations of the rules that protect cultural heritage . However, the Court’s decision, having regard to the means by which it was intervened, namely the guilty plea, seems to limit the contribution of the first judgment on cultural property according to some observers. This article reviews different points of view and provides a critical analysis of the issues at trial regarding the future of the ICC, namely the meaning of the guilty plea, its impact on the trial and the expectations of the victims, the future of the repression of violations of the rules for the protection of cultural property as well as the strategy of the prosecutor’s office in the management of this case.
«Trésors de l’Islam en Afrique: De Tombouctou à Zanzibar», Mali :
Over fifteen centuries of cultural and spiritual exchanges between sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab-Muslim world have given birth to abundant production. The exhibition of the Institute of the Arab World brings together archeology, contemporary art, architecture and intangible heritage in order to reflect the richness and multiplicity of contacts between these cultures.
Title: Trésors de l’Islam en Afrique: de Tombouctou à Zanzibar
Authors : Nala Aloudat, Hanna Boghanim
Collaborators: Nala Aloudat, Hanna Boghanim
Editors : Institut du monde arabe, 2017
Threats of armed conflicts on cultural heritage: case of the djihadist occupation of the city of Timbuktu in Mali: University of Bamako, Mali:
Bamako, Mali: naissance d’un musée :
Personne auteur :Konaré, Alpha Oumar
Dans :Museum, XXXIII, 1, p. 4-8, illus., map
Langue :Français
Aussi disponible en :English, Español
Année de publication :1981
Type de document :article